Flying Sutra / Glowering and Glowing Red
by Flying Sutra
Philadelphia's most dangerous free-rock duo thunders back with their second disc for Deep Water, more than confirming the promise of 2007's ‘Levitate and Dissolve’. Not content to merely reproduce their strengths, ‘Glowering and Glowing Red’ (its title taken from a rave review of their first disc) expands the extremes in all directions - track lengths range from 38 seconds to 10+ minutes, the sonics get even broader and more exploratory via a wider sound palette and a growing mastery of real-time looping and effects, and the mood ranges from the monumental to the absurdist. Basically, these guys continue to ride a tectonic divide between art-punk skronk and heavy-duty free energy music with the kind of untamed precision that one usually expects only from your Japanese underground masters. Serious stuff here. 14 tracks, 66 minutes.
Released by Deep Water Acres DW021